Kaitlyn’s Life

Small town, Utah girl

Ande, Chloe, and I June 26, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — reabytak @ 8:24 pm



Steele was at scouts or we would have gotten him in there too


An Important Lesson

Filed under: Uncategorized — reabytak @ 12:26 am

Look at those pictures.  Doesn’t that give you a bit more appreciation for what we have. 

I just walked a block to the local grocery store carrying baby Ande (20 pounds) on one hip and holding a pound of hamburger in the other hand wearing inch thick flip flops in the hundred degree weather.

BOY WAS I HOT AND TIRED!  I didn’t even go a mile. 

It makes me really appreciate all that I have, electricity, AIR CONDITIONING, nice shoes, access to food and water, being able to walk up the street to buy anything I could practically wish for.  I couldn’t imagine being in that world. 
I’ve always thought I had an appreciation for them but, Heavenly Father taught me an important lesson today.  There’s no way I could do that, although if it was required of me I’m sure I guess I would. 

I’m sure the pioneers had such a sweet and special spirit about them.  I would love to meet one of the Mormon pioneers and learn of their struggles and accomplishments.

I found this really cool website.  From what I saw it’s a virtual pioneer trek and for every 15 minutes of physical activity is one mile.  Then it has a place where you can track your miles and weight.  Then you end up “walking the miles” that they did.  It also has a widget type thing that shows your goal for weight loss and it shows how far you are from you goal.  I think that’s a great way to get in shape.  I’m going to do a little bit of it just to get a taste of what they had to deal with.  However I’m going to do it in the comfort of my home, have a hot shower, and sleep in my soft bed everynight.  So I guess I’m really cheating.

Every time I stop this post to think about what I’m writing I get an overwhelming power of emotions.  I mean honestly…..could you walk that far on rough trails, practically no breaks, not getting food and water right when you want it, no air conditioning, sometimes no shoes, sleeping on rocks, no private toilet (EEK!), dipping in lakes, etc…… My list could go on forever.

However I know that did lots of fun stuff.  They sang songs, played games and was with their family everynight without the hassle of what we have today.  They don’t have to worry about the sin and temptation going on right now.  They also didnt have to worry about getting kidnapped if they went to play in the woods, not that there was any.  Maybe some of them think we have it really rough.

I guess it goes to show us that Heavenly Father knows what time is best for us and what we can handle the best.



“In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.”
– Hinckley

Link to the pioneer trek website 



Lost to a Hose June 24, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — reabytak @ 1:29 am
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Here are some Life Lessons:

1. When you go to clean a stroller in red dirt….bad idea! Move to grass

2.  When you put the hose down to move to the grass…make sure it doesn’t hit you in your rear end

3. When someone asks you why you peed you pants….dont get mad

4. When dirt gets all up into what you cleaned….calmly remember it’s only your fault

5. When your dad’s shoes get wet….wait until he’s in a good mood to tell him

6. When your dirt driveway get’s  muddy….wait until tomorrow to walk on it, don’t try today or you will slip

7. When you lose to a hose….remember that it has to win sometime 😉

8. When you are covered in dirt and just want to get in a hot bath…SMILE it will be all right! 🙂